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Cheato Reseller Application Form
Good morning, afternoon or evening to potential resellers.

As the owner of Cheato, I am expecting massive growth of Cheato Spoofer (our HWID spoofer) in the coming months. I have already been making a little amount of profit, however as we're just about to do many rounds of advertisement - I am expecting to make 3 to low 4 figures a day from our HWID spoofer alone, easily. We are already a growing brand, especially in the English-speaking markets.

I am inviting resellers to be a part of our journey.
Most cheat brands and cheat resellers are in need of a HWID spoofer to sell - and Cheato Spoofer will suit your needs PERFECTLY!
Sell Fortnite softaim but your customers have been getting banned left and right and can't find a decent hardware ID spoofer? Sell them Cheato Spoofer!
Sell a Rust cheat or script but your customers are getting raped by EAC and Cerberus? Cheato Spoofer will clean out the ban, get your customer to use a new/non-banned Steam account and hop right back on!
So many scenarios out there. So many cheats but barely any decent HWID spoofers out there.
Feel free to contact our customers or staff and ask for their opinion. You can be sure to trust us!

So, would you like to become a reseller? Apply below.

We also expect our resellers to create media advertising our products (as you would anyway) - we can generously provide complimentary access/keys for media purposes, along with access to closed testing if you want that.

We want strictly people who put their customers before themselves and treat them with respect. If you can't volunteer a little of your time to run your store or brand and help out your customers, or if you scam them etc. we don't want you here.

Kind regards,
Discord Username & Tag *
Do you have any other social media? If so, write them down below. Try not to provide anything that includes your personal (IRL) information. We don't need to know who you are, your card details, passwords, or house address. *
Store Link *
Sellix, Shoppy, Discord server, Telegram etc. is fine.
Estimated monthly income *
What you already make, include currency. New resellers will also be accepted, we are asking this to help our predictions. Plus the more you buy in bulk, the cheaper each key costs.
Have you resold a HWID spoofer before? *
Do you know how to use a HWID spoofer? *
Try to explain as best you can, if you don't know how to, we can teach you how to use Cheato Spoofer.
What payment methods do you accept? *
Autobuy = fully automated store (purchasing & fulfilling order), e.g. WooCommerce, Sellix, Shoppy, Selly, ATShop, forum store etc. Manual = customer contacts you to purchase, you give them payment details and once they pay, you give them the product manually. DO NOT TICK THE BOX IF YOU CAN'T CURRENTLY ACCEPT ORDER FOR THAT PAYMENT METHOD E.G. YOUR PAYPAL IS BANNED/LIMITED.
What is your IQ? *
If you don't know your IQ (I don't know mine either), it can be an estimate e.g. 130-140. We don't want idiots that have to contact us 24/7 for help reselling. We aren't going to hold your hand and wipe your ass for you.
What can you pay with to top up reseller balance or pay for bulk keys? *
For obvious reasons, we will not automatically accept PayPal for topping up reseller balance/buying bulk keys as it can be abused.
How much % of retail/original price of key would you pay? *
Given that you are selling a decent/average amount of keys so can buy in bulk. E.g. 70% of $5 key, means you would pay $3.50 for each key. If you sold one of those keys at retail $5, you would profit $1.50 (30%). We are asking this to survey how much resellers are willing to pay for keys
Do you help out your customers, even if the product you are selling isn't developed by you? Or are you just expecting to be lazy, sell keys and expect my own support to help your customers find the key they've just bought from your store (that we can't access)? *
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