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ADHD and food survey
I'm creating a resource to help ADHD and potentially other neurodiverse folks better plan their meals. This survey will inform how I go about creating this resource! 

You do NOT need to answer every question. Answer what's relevant to you! 
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What challenges do you encounter planning and making meals? 
Are you on stimulant medication?
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If you are on stimulant medication, how does it change your food intake? 

What happens when you don't get a chance to plan and eat proper meals? 

What do you value most in a recipe? 
Do you find it hard to balance eating food that tastes good with food that makes you feel good and energized? 
What strategies have helped you eat enough? 
What kinds of snacks give you energy? 
What snacks are most enjoyable to eat? 
Are there particular foods that are especially hard to eat when you're taking your medication?
Are there foods that you're more able to eat when you're taking your medication? 

What are your favorite foods/meals?
If you have texture sensitivity, what textures bother you?

Any other thoughts on this topic? 
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