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Feedback form to conference participant report
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Email *
Title of the report *
Is the subject of the work corresponding to the nature (subject and purpose) of conference? *
Is the subject of the work innovative and is based on original research? *
Is the title of the report consistent with its contents? *
Does Abstract contain a sufficient amount of clear and comprehensible information? *
Does the keywords characterize the content of the report? *
Are fixed in the paper goals appropriate and relevant to the subject of the work? *
Is the material and research methods selected properly and presented in a precise and transparent way? *
Are the theoretical basis and issues of the problem describe clearly? *
Is the nomenclature correct and met the international standards? *
Is the presentation of the results performed correctly and completely? *
Do the conclusions include the information that the objectives have been achieved? *
Is the language of the article suitable for scientific work? *
The attractiveness level of the report
The level of presentation of problem *
The anticipated attention by the scientific community *
The comments and suggestions for authors:
Information about the reviewer (optional)
Academic degree, academic title, post
Country, city
Other important information about the reviewer
Website content and administration - Sofiia Sokolova, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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