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Student Wellness Centre - Trent University
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) - Accessible Format Request Form
Section 32 of the Canadian Copyright Act allows for persons with a perceptual disability or non-profit organization acting at the request of a person with a perceptual disability to make a copy of literary, musical, artistic or dramatic work with the exception of large print books.  

Perceptual disabilities include:
- Severe or total impairment of sight or hearing or the inability to focus or move one's eyes (low vision, blindness)
- The inability to hold or manipulate a book
- An impairment relating to comprehension (learning disability)

Students requesting alternate formats must have supporting documentation on file with SAS & and the accommodation for accessible formats on their accommodation plan.
Your Name *
Student Number *
Email Address *
Only use your address, please!
Campus *
Textbook information

Complete this section with as much detail as possible. This will ensure we get the correct version and edition of your textbook in the most timely manner.
Textbook Title
Please note any custom editions (Canadian Edition, Trent Edition, etc.)
ISBN Number
10 or 13 digit (13 digit preferred, usually starts 978) - No dashes required!
Textbook Publisher
If this request is a XanEdu Coursepack, please also include the CPID number from the front of the coursepack.
Date of textbook Purchase
Location of textbook purchase
(Trent Bookstore, Amazon, Chapters, Kijiji, second-hand, etc)
Textbook purchase price
Course text is required for
(ex. HIST-2000)
Course Professor
Accessible Format Terms & Conditions
By submitting this request, you are acknowledging that you are a student with a documented print disability and SAS has supporting documentation on file and that you have purchased the text in question, will not be returning it and will provide SAS with proof of purchase to

You are agreeing that the textbooks are to be used for your exclusive use for disability related purposes. Under no circumstances are these textbooks to be shared, copied, uploaded, distributed or used for any other purpose by anyone else.

If you no longer have the physical text (example: you sell the book to the bookstore, or privately at the end of the semester) you MUST delete the electronic copy of this file(s).

This service is optional, and is available as requested.

Please note: Requests made at the beginning of each semester may be delayed due to the volume of requests at start-up, both on our end at Trent and at the Publishers end. Requests are processed in a timely manner, however, it may take a 2-3 weeks during this time of year to complete requests.
I have submitted or will be submitting proof of textbook purchase to *
Proof of purchase can be an electronic invoice or a picture of receipt. If you no longer have your receipt or your textbook was purchased second hand, submit a photo of your name, student number & email address written on the inside front cover on a page with the title of the textbook visible.
I acknowledge and agree to the Accessible Format terms & conditions *
Type your name in the field below
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