Eclub Leadership 2014
We are recruiting new members of Entrepreneur's Club Leadership starting Spring of 2014. Please note, we can only accept applicants with a current affiliation at UCSF.

Eclub Leadership helps the Entrepreneurship Center recruit speakers and organize Eclub meetings and potentially other programs on campus. For more information see: 

We will be doing phone interviews the second week of March and welcoming new members of Eclub by April 2014.
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Your name: *
Email: *
Phone number: *
Are you currently at UCSF? *
What is your current title and area of expertise? *
How many Eclub meetings have you been to? *
Why are you interested in being part of the Eclub leadership? *
What are you looking to give?  What are you looking to get out of the experience?
Do you have time to give 10 hours a month? *
Please list three UCSF Entrepreneurs (with titles) you would like to bring to EClub? *
What kind of skills or experience do you have that would contribute to Eclub? *
What programs would you be interested in creating? *
Anything else you would like to tell us?
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