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2022 Centennial Farmers Market Application
Please fill in all applicable information.
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First Name: *
Last Name *
Business Name: *
Business Address (please include City & Zip): *
Mailing Address (please include City & Zip) (If same as Business, state Same): *
Business Phone #:
Phone # on Market Day: *
E-mail: *
Facebook Page:
Instagram Page:
Please list all items or crops for sale below. Items not listed may not be sold without permission of the market staff. Misstatements, willful or otherwise, may be grounds for revocation of a space in the market. *
o Yearly application Fee is $100
o Daily market fees are 10% per day
o Drop-In fees are 10% per day with a $25 minimum
o We are looking for LOCAL PRODUCE FARMERS and are currently offering NO DAILY FEES FOR ALL PRODUCE FARMERS!
05/04 *
05/11 *
05/18 *
05/25 *
06/01 *
06/08 *
06/15 *
06/22 *
06/29 *
07/06 *
07/13 *
07/20 *
07/27 *
08/03 *
08/10 *
08/17 *
08/24 *
08/31 *
09/07 *
09/14 *
09/21 *
09/28 *
10/05 *
10/12 *
10/19 *
10/26 *
I hereby release and forever discharge Centennial Farmers Markets, All Landlords, their employees, the Market Manager and Market Manager Assistants from any responsibility, personal liability, claims, loss or damage arising out of, or in conjunction with my participation in Centennial Farmers Markets. Centennial Farmers Markets, All Landlords, their employees, the Market Manager and Market Manager Assistants shall be held harmless from and against all liabilities, suits, claims, damages, injuries and actions, theft, costs and expenses of any kind or nature of anyone whatsoever relating to premises due to or arising out of any act, negligence, or neglect of the vendor, or any of their guests. Vendors assume all liability for stand and products sold. By signing this application form applicant agrees to abide by all policies and rules, and all amended policies and rules for individual markets, set forth in this application.

All applications are subject to approval.
Registration Fee
DO NOT pay the Registration Fee until you have received approval by Toni Smith or Judy Snitchler!
By submitting this application, I agree that I have read and agree to the Centennial Farmers Market 2022 Rules & Regulations.
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