Thank you for using the pre-registration sign up form for the ECTA Guided Hike!
Please fill out this form and click "submit" at the bottom once complete.
Registration in advance is required; you cannot participate if you have not pre-registered. You cannot register at the trail head on the day of the hike.
IMPORTANT: Please do not to sign up or show up for this guided hike if you have any signs or symptoms of illness of any kind, not just coronavirus symptoms, or if you have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the hike. There is a COVID-19 screen questionnaire at the bottom of the registration form.
Bring antiseptic wipes or hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol-based. This may not be needed, but you should have it on your person in case an unexpected situation arises. The outing leaders will also have some available in the first aid kit.
Please bring a face mask with you. Additional face masks may be provided by the East Coast Trail Association if required. This is not required to be worn, unless needed if an unexpected situation arises which results in less than 6 feet physical distancing from others.
Fall Foliage Hike
Path: Deadmans Bay Path - Blackhead to Freshwater Bay and return
Date: Saturday, October 22
Meet Time/Location: 10:00am at Blackhead trailhead (drive 200m east through Blackhead, to the gravel parking lot at the end of the road; do not park in the paved turnaround)
Duration: 3-4 hours
Distance: 10 km
Rating: Moderate to difficult
Carpooling: Due the COVID-19 physical distancing, it is recommended that all volunteers drive to the meeting place in their own car or with other volunteers who are in their bubble/household.
This hike is limited to 20 participants. The Google Form will close once the maximum capacity is reached. All registered participants will be contacted by the Hike Leader a day before the scheduled hike. You will receive more details on this from the hike leader after sign-up. Refer to the website calendar event for full hike details.
Leader: Amber Dechief 306-421-7826
Co-Leader: John Weber