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The Scroll: Submit Your YA Event(s)
Share your event with hundreds of young adults!

Events must be hosted by our partners in ministry who support and promote the mission of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
Preference will be given to events that have a specific plan or objective to include or lift up young adult participation.
If the event occurs at least once a month with no changes to title/topic/theme, location, time, contact person, etc., then you are welcome to indicate in the “comments” section of your submission that this is a reoccurring event (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly).

Note: Submissions must be made by Wednesday at 12:00 pm to have your event(s) included in the upcoming week's Monday newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Hillyard, at
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Email *
Event Title *
Event Description *
Sponsoring Parish, YA Community, or Organization
Date (Single Day/Begins) *
Date (Ends)
Time (Single Day/Begins) *
Time (Ends)
Location *
Primary Contact *
[first + last name / to be shared in newsletter]
Email Address
Phone Number
Website or Social Media URL
Any other information we should know about your event?
reoccurring? annual? etc?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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