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Republican Poll Observers(inside) Needed for Early Voting, October 17 through November 2, 2024! 
Thank you for securing our elections, please be sure to click the submit button at the bottom to record your responses. Online training will be available to you.
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Are you a registered Republican? *
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Mobile Phone Number *
If you would like to serve as a POLL OBSERVER (inside precinct) during Early Voting, October 17 through November 2, please select the day and precinct you would like to serve below:
Please select the date/dates you would like to volunteer
Please select the time slot(s) you would like to volunteer *
If you would like to serve as a POLL OBSERVER (inside precinct) during Early Voting in  Aurora or Belhaven,  October 30 through November 2, please select the day and precinct you would like to serve below:
Please select the date/dates you would like to volunteer
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Please select the time slot(s) you would like to volunteer
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If serving as a greeter, please list time below you will be able to serve. Thank you!
Thank you for joining Operation Victory!
Carolyn Garris, Chairman
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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