The Big Data Projects
Many faculty and graduate students have data that they would be happy to let graduate students or fellow faculty members use. Having ready access to cleaned, compiled data would be particularly helpful for us when conducting research and writing papers. Also, for some data set, it would be helpful to have an infrastructure to make data available for “data management plan”.  The purpose of the project is to develop a database with datasets available in ACE.

*PLEASE SUBMIT DATA SET INFORMATION WHETHER YOU ARE WILLING TO SHARE OR NOT : The objective of this survey is to make a catalog of available data in ACE faculty.
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[Contact Person] *
e.g.) Professor Kathy Baylis
[Title of Data] *
(e.g.) The night lights data at a 5k by 5k grid, Geocoded Mexican Census Data
[Region/Country] *
(e.g.) Global, United States
[Type] *
[Year and Frequency] *
(e.g.) 1992-2012 Annual
[Unit of Sample] *
(e.g.) 5k by 5k Grid, Municipality
[Identifying Geography]
Smallest geographic identification information for each sample. e.g) Geo-Coded, Census Blocker, Zip Code
[Source] *
(e.g.) INEGI, Uniquely collected
[Category] *
For other category, please choose from "JEL Classification Codes"
[Key Words] *
The keyword is for users to find characteristics of the data in search engine, not described by the category. (e.g.) GIS, Rice, Precipitation
[Brief Description of the Data]
[Related Academic Paper and DOI (If Any) ]
(e.g.) V. Henderson, A. Storeygard, D.N. Weil. 2012. Measuring economic growth from outer space. American Economic Review, 102, pp. 994–1028. DOI:10.1257/aer.102.2.994
[Data Accessibility ] *
[Link to the Project where Data is Collected]
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