Satisfaction poll about languages

Assessment tool for the ERASMUS+ project  (Minority languages: Good travelling companions)
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I am *
I can speak *
(Choose as many as you need)
Say how proficient you are. If you can't speak a language, don't click any options.
Excellent level
Good level
Basic level
Clear selection
Show your agreement on these statements. *
I absolutely agree
I quite agree
I have no opinion
I quite disagree
I absolutely disagree
Basque is important in my life.
Basque will be important to get a job in the future.
Basque is important for my personal development.
I like speaking Basque
It is a good idea to teach Basque at schools
It is a good idea to teach in Basque
Schools should teach how to write in Basque properly
It is important to improve the use of Basque in everyday activities
It is a good idea to learn how to use Basque orally in everyday life.
English is important in my life
English will be important to get a job in the future
English is  important for my personal development.
I like speaking English
English opens many doors
Speaking English is enough to do every important thing.
In this global world, English is the only language that we really need to speak.
I know what minority languages are
I am interested in minority languages.
Minority languages are in danger.
it is not necessary to protect minority languages
we should do all we can to promote minority languages
How often do you do these things in Basque? *
every day
I watch TV (series, news…) 
I listen to music
I look for information on the Internet
I chat online or text my friends or family
I speak with my friends
I read the newspaper
I email my friends
I write any type of text
How often do you do these things in English? *
every day
I watch TV (series, news...)
I listen to music
I read books
I chat online or text my friends or family
I speak with my friends
I read the newspaper
I email my friends
I look for information on the internet
I write any type of text
Choose one *
Choose *
I speak Basque *
(choose as many as you need)
Do you have any one you speak English to on a regular basis? *
Have you heard of these minority languages? *
Tick the languages you have heard of.
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