2019 Posada Dinner VIP Ticket Signup
The Posada is a FREE potluck dinner for the entire MS/HS 223 School Community. Families, staff, and friends of MS/HS 223 are invited to enjoy a delicious meal here at MS/HS 223, along with a raffle, piñata, and prize giveaway for families that participate. Students who wish to participate must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older that is responsible for them (parent, family member, family friend, etc). MS 223/Arete staff cannot be the responsible adult unless you are a high school volunteer or over 18. High School volunteers have a separate permission form to fill out to be here without an adult.
Please fill out this form to receive VIP tickets for the Posada Family Dinner on Wednesday December 18th, 5:15PM- 6:45PM, held in the Laboratory School Cafeteria (360 E 145th Street, Bronx, NY 10454)
**All families are welcome (if space permits) and entry is free, but families that sign up on this VIP form for Gold or Platinum tickets have reserved seating and dinner and dessert for the group number listed here if they contribute food/drinks to the dinner. If you do not contribute food to the Posada, your family can be seated after Gold and Platinum VIP ticket holders have been seated if space permits.
**Todas las familias están bienvenidas (si hay espacia) y la entrada es gratis. Los visitantes VIP de nivel Gold o Platinum reciben asientos prioritarios y reservados y cena confirmada para la cantidad del grupo anotado aquí. Si no contribuyes comida a la Posada, su familia puede sentarse después de que los poseedores de boletos de Gold y Platinum VIP hayan estado sentados si el espacio lo permite.