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Questionnaire Mock Jurors of Florida VS113        Email:
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Mock Jurors of Florida
First Name  *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
Are you a United States citizen? *
Are you a resident of Florida? *
In which Florida county do you live? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
Are you female or male as shown on your Florida ID or DL? *
What is your racial or ethnicity identification? *
What category includes your age? *
What is your occupation? If retired, what occupation did you retire from? *
What is your marital status? *
Do you have any children?     If so, how many? *
Have you ever worked in the field of medicine? If, yes specify years worked. *
Have you ever worked in the field of law?    If, yes specify years worked.
Are you or any of your family and friends in law enforcement or have been in law enforcement? *
Have you or a loved one ever had a bad experience with a medical doctor? *
Have you or a loved one ever had a bad experience in a medical facility? (i.e. hospital, urgent care, ER)? *
What political party are you affiliated with? *
Are you a military veteran or in active duty? *
What is your religion? *
Which of  these describe your personal income last year? *
Are you employed by or an owner of any of the following? *
What is the highest level of education you have completed?  *
Do you or a member of your family or friends have a disability, who has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities and who to your knowledge has a history or record of such an impairment? *
What is your availability for a Mock Trial? *
Would you like to be considered for future mock juries? *
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