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National Catholic Reporter Climate Change Survey
National Catholic Reporter is expanding its coverage of climate change. Your responses to this survey will help us learn more about potential readers' interests. Your responses will be kept confidential.
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Where do you get your news about climate change?
What climate-related email newsletters do you read?
What climate -related Twitter accounts do you follow?
What climate-related Facebook pages or groups do you follow?
Pope Francis’ publication of Laudato Si’ emphasized climate change as a moral issue for Catholics and all people of faith. Please tell us about your level of interest in the intersection of faith and climate change, and why you believe it's important (or not).
Thinking about your consumption of climate-related media, what's missing? In other words, if you could design a climate-related media service just for you, what would it include?
How interested are you in an online calendar showing climate-related events?
not interested
very interested
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How interested are you in following a Twitter account with links to faith-based climate change news?
not interested
very interested
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How interested are you in receiving an e-newsletter with links to faith-based climate change news?
not interested
very interested
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How interested are you in a collection of "explainers" which would introduce climate change concepts?
not interested
very interested
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How interested are you in reading profiles of faith-based climate change activists and leaders?
not interested
very interested
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What should NCR pay special attention to as we plan this new climate change initiative?  
What is your age? *
Do you work with climate change issues in your professional or personal life? If so, please explain. *
What is your religious affiliation? *
Where do you live? (City, state/province, country) *
Your name *
Would you be willing to have 15-minute phone call with an NCR staff member to discuss these issues in greater detail? *
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