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NIHR RPSC Pre-submission Form
The following form is intended to allow potential applicants to the Research Programme for Social Care to briefly describe their proposal for comment by the Programme team before applying further. It is non-mandatory and purely aimed at allowing potential applicants to get some additional guidance and advice when constructing their applications.

Please note that there is no formal expectation or guarantee that any guidance offered will lead to a successful Stage 1 or Stage 2 application. All applications are judged on their own merits against the published criteria.

Details provided in this application form are covered by NIHR CCF's Privacy and Data Protection Statement

If you require any further information or assistance please e-mail or call us on 020 8843 8057
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Please complete your full name
Please provide a brief outline of the problem being addressed and the aims of the proposed project (300 words)
Please provide an outline of the project plan (600 words)
Give as much methodological detail as you can (e.g. key outcomes, sample size, qualitative and quantitative methods used. If developing or refining a new way of delivering care, you may also wish to describe key behaviours and behaviour change techniques for professionals and service users.
Assuming the project is successful, please describe the trajectory to benefit for care users, carers and/or the public (200 words only)
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