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Military & Veterans Services Survey
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Email *
1. Full Name *
2. Student Status *
3. Enrollment Status *
4. What is your Major? *
5. Do you live on-campus or commute? *
6. Military Branch (Service Members, Veterans or Veteran Parents) *
7. Military Duty Component/ ROTC *
8. Have you been deployed to a combat zone? *
9. Do you think it's important for Kutztown to have a Student Veteran Organization? *
10. What type of services would you be interested in? Select all that apply.  *
11. What type of activities/events would you be interested in? Select all that apply.  *
12. Do you need additional assistance with your military benefits? *
13. Would it be helpful if our office hosted scheduled virtual sessions during the semester so you could 'drop-in' for assistance? *
14. Please let us know if there are additional services you are interested in.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
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