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St John's Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore, India                                                       16th Annual International One-week Course on Health Research Methodology and Evidence Based Medicine 
Date: 17th -21st February 2025
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Family Name
First Name *
Please provide your name as required  on the Certificate *
Please provide the Medical  registration number for CME Credits. Mention "NA" if not applicable *
Please provide the State of medical registration for CME Credits. Mention "NA" if not applicable *
Gender *
Institution Address *
City *
Pin code *
Country *
Landline Number
Mobile Number *
E- Mail ID *
Highest Degree *
Specialization *
Designation *
Present Occupation *
On campus accommodation required *
Payment mode *
Please save the below information for your future reference

Please find below details for payment of the registration fees (GST included).


                                                       Academics/ Regulators/

                                                 Ethics comm. Members/ Others             Industry

Early bird (Before 2nd Feb)                      Rs.9,500                               Rs.12,000

From 2nd Feb to 16th Feb                        Rs.12,000                            Rs.14,000

Spot registration                                          Rs.14,000                            Rs.16,000

Please note that above mentioned fees is inclusive of all applicable taxes.

Registration after 10th of Feb will not be awarded CME credits

Participants who have attended HRM-EBM course in the previous years may attend again, provided seats are available and a written justification is sent to  
Please note, those attending again will NOT be eligible for the Dr. David Sackett Memorial award.

Concession Criteria
 -     25% discount for 3 or more candidates from the same academic institution
 -     25% discount in the registration fees for students/ trainees, candidates from our network institutions  

To avail of the discount, a letter from the Department / Institutional Head should be sent by email to & addressed to:

Dr. Denis Xavier MD, MSc(Clin Epi)
Course Director
Professor & Head, Dept of Pharmacology, St. John's Medical College
Head, Division of Clinical Research and Training
St. John's Research Institute
Bangalore - 560 034

Please note :  

The registration fees can be sent either by:

• DD

Payment details will be sent to you via mail after acceptance in to the course.

Please Note: Your seat will be confirmed only after your registration fee is received /credited into our account.

Policy for cancellation.
1. 50% Cancellation charge if notified by email between 9 days and 24 hrs prior to the course
2. 25% Cancellation charge- 10 days before the course
3. If within 24 hours or no notice, registration fee will not be reimbursed. We can reserve your seat for the next year's course.

Please note
1. Applicable taxes will not be reimbursed.

 For further queries on the course write to 

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