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Ernest Debs Park Field Trip Student Guide
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What is your full name?
First and Last name
Your answer
What period do you have science class?
What day are you visiting Debs Park?
As you walk around the park, keep a count with a tally in your notebook of how many different birds you hear.
When you're done, enter your final count at the end of the form
Your answer
Find the palm trees that look like this picture. Are these palm trees a native species to California? Please explain.
Your answer
Go and find at least two different species of Pine tree.
A) Take a picture or draw the palm trees. B) In the box below, record two QUALITATIVE and two QUANTITATIVE observations of each tree
Your answer
Explore the topography (land features) of Debs Park.
In the box below, describe the general topography and unique land features of the park
Your answer
Soil analysis
Find some soil in the park and describe the characteristics of the soil. Including: A) Color, B) Texture, C) Amount of Organic matter, D) Grain and particle size
Your answer
Distribution of small vegetation
Go and find some vegetation under a tree (like the picture above) and explain why the vegetation can be found under one tree and not the other
Your answer
Find the leaning fence in the park
Make an inference as to why the fence appears the way it is- excluding any possible human interference. Be sure to site specific principles or processes in nature
Your answer
Go and find two different types of footprints.
A) Draw pictures of the prints in your notes. B) Infer who or what made these prints. C) Using a map of the park, locate and draw the location of the prints on the map
Your answer
Water flow evidence in soil
Analyze the picture above. Using the picture, describe the direction of water flow
Your answer
Bench with a view?
Go and find this bench. Describe what you think happened.
Your answer
Look at this mushroom growing on a tree stump. What type of ecological relationship is this?
Ecological relationships part 2: Go and find another example of an ecological relationship, then take a picture of it.
What type of relationship did you find?
Park trees: What sort of tree species can be found at Debs park?
Your answer
Park trees: What is the population distribution of tree species like at Debs park?
Park trees: What is the population density of tree species like at Debs park?
Go up the main road and find the first trail marker on your right.
Find a tree stump and count the number of tree rings on the stump. How many rings are there?
Your answer
Keep going up the same trail.
Describe at least two different types of human impact on the environment (excluding the trail paving)
Your answer
Continue on the same trail. Keep hiking until you can see downtown Los Angeles
Look towards downtown and describe the air quality of the downtown area. What causes this?
Your answer
Keep going on the train until you find the pond.
When you get to the pond, list the names of several different organisms that you can find in and around the pond.
Your answer
As you walk around the park, keep a count with a tally in your notebook of how many different birds you hear.
When you're done, enter your final count HERE
Your answer
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