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Warwick SU Foodbank - Volunteer Sign-up
Thank you for being interested in helping out the SU's foodbank.

The foodbank has been introduced as a result of the cost of living's impact on Warwick students' ability to purchase food shopping. It will be used as a way for students to access food when they do not have the funds to do so, and the volunteers helping us to deliver the foodbank will be an essential part of its success.

The responsibilities of a volunteer will be:
  • To check in with the Membership Services Team and Tomi Amole at the start and end of the day for access to the food storage cupboard.
  • To man the foodbank stall in the SU Atrium, ensuring that students are able to access food at all times during your shift. 
  • To check stock on a regular basis, and bring more stock from storage to the stall when required. 
  • For those working at the end of the volunteering day, to take a report of how much stock is left and pass this onto the Membership Services Team or Tomi.
  • To attend a brief before the first volunteering shift to find out more information.
If you would like to find out more before signing up, please contact Tomi Amole at and/or Kieran Barry at and we would be happy to get back to you to give more information on the role.
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What is your name? *
What is your email? *
Which times would you be willing to volunteer for? *
Are there any dates for your slot which you will be unable to make? (e.g. if you have picked Thursdays, 12:00-13:00 but will be unavailable on Thursday 16th February at that time) *
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