The Vegetarian Resource Group Ingredient Survey
In order to answer inquiries we receive from food companies, we are gathering information concerning vegans' and vegetarians' opinions on what should be labeled as vegetarian or vegan. We'd appreciate it if your group could answer these questions and give us your group's opinions on these questions. Thanks so much.
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Name of group filling out survey
Name of person filling out survey
Is it okay to give your group name and report their opinions?
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What is your definition of vegan?
What is your definition of vegetarian?
As long as an item does not contain meat, fish, or fowl (or obvious items like gelatin), is it okay to label products as vegetarian in a restaurant without worrying about the microingredients?
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As long as an item does not contain meat, fish, or fowl (or obvious items like gelatin), is it okay to label products as vegetarian on a food package without worrying about the microingredients or processing aids?
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As long as a product does not contain meat, fish, fowl, dairy, eggs, or honey (or obvious items like gelatin), is it okay to label products as vegan in a restaurant without worrying about the microingredients?
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As long as a product does not contain meat, fish, fowl, dairy, eggs, or honey, (or obvious items like gelatin), is it okay to label products as vegan on a food package without worrying about the microingredients or processing aids?
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As long as a product does not contain meat, fish, fowl, dairy, eggs, or honey, or microingredients (or obvious items like gelatin), is it okay to label products as vegan on a food package without worrying about the processing aids?
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It is okay to label products with the following as vegan:
(please check as many that apply)
Thank you for your work to promote vegetarian and vegan diets.
For questions, contact: The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203;; (410) 366-8343; fax (410) 366-8804.
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