Safe Harbor For Students Follow Up
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What is your affiliation with the Ohio school systems?
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Given your experience with PARCC testing, do you consider yourself in favor of the new common core standards?
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Given your experience with PARCC testing, do you consider yourself in favor of PARCC Assessment?
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Given your experience with PARCC testing, how would you describe system problems?
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If you are the administrator, did you allow students to opt-out of the PARCC Assessment in your school?
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How many students in your district opted out?
If you are an administrator, do you plan to allow your teachers to have safe harbor this year from the scores on the PARCC Assessment?
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Do we need to extend safe harbor for teachers and school districts?
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If needed, would you be willing to provide clarity to future issues impacting education?
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What other feedback do you have regarding PARCC testing and the Common Core standards?
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