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Halls of Teknor Solo Blind Playtest Feedback V1
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Name (only if you so desire)
How difficult was the game's rules to understand
Very Difficult
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Is there a rule or mechanic you kept forgetting?

How did you find the loot mechanic
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How did you find the Treasure Roll mechanic?
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How did you find the upgrading gear mechanic?
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How did you find Leveling up and Mutations mechanic
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How much did you feel the gear you equipped mattered?
Did not matter
very important
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How did you find the amount of lore story text?
Too Little text
Too Much text
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How did you find the amount of combat
Too Little
Too Much
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Is there an aspect of the game you'd like it to have LESS of?
Is there an aspect of the game you'd like it to have MORE of?
Do you have any closing thoughts?
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