Non-Traditional Students and Student-Centered Classrooms
Survey scenario: You are a non-traditional student (over 24, living off campus, and either returning to college, or attending after having a full-time job, raising a family, or serving in the armed forces). You are enrolled in a general education, core-required online asynchronous course. For example:

ANTH F100X/SOC F100X--Individual, Society and Culture
ECON F100X or PS F100X--Political Economy
HIST F100X--Modern World History
ENGL/FL F200X--World Literature
ART/MUS/THR F200X--Aesthetic Appreciation: Interrelationship of Art, Drama and Music
HUM F201X--Unity in the Arts
ANS F202X--Aesthetic Appreciation of Alaskan Native Performance

Your major or degree that you are seeking is in engineering, biology, or computer information support.

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This likert scale survey is based on the the following answers:

1-strongly disagree
3-neither disagree nor agree
5-strongly agree

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1. I choose this class because I heard the instructor was easy.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
2. In my daily life, I know how much time I spend on my activities and tasks that I need to accomplish.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
3. Outcomes of my actions are affected by decisions and efforts on my part, not by chance or luck.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
4. I chose this class to fulfill a requirement, not for self-interest.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
5. There are more important things in life than getting good grades.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
6. The content I'm learning in this class is immediately relevant to my current life situation.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
7. I'm relying on support (not including financial support)  from my family or my employer to complete this class.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
8. I'm more apt to take a personal interest if I can relate the content in my class to my life situation.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
9. When confronted with a problem, I often seek advice for finding a solution.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
10. I learn a concept better if I have to teach it to someone.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Clear selection
Clear form
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