ISSofBC Hiring Fair
Thank you for your interest in attending the upcoming ISSofBC Hiring Fair!

April 27, 2017/ Thursday
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room 127 & 137- Coquitlam Public Library City Centre Branch
1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam, BC

Kindly provide us the following information to complete your registration.  

Thank you.

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First Name *
Preferred Name
Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
ex. 604-222-1111
Alternate Phone Number
ex. 604-222-1111
Which city do you reside in? *
Email Address *
Email Address Confirmation *
Do you want to receive email notifications of future ISSofBC events? *
Which company(s) are you interested in applying? *
Are you a client of ISSofBC? *
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