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Fab Facts Quiz! (Episode 70)
Did you hear the five fab facts from Episode 70? Let's find out...
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FAB FACT NUMBER 1: Scientists from the University of Cambridge have recently discovered that a decline in insects could mean that not enough cocoa plants grow. What insects? *
1 point
FAB FACT NUMBER 2: The Halloween tradition of trick-or-treating is thought to have come from which old custom of children visiting houses, receiving food and money? *
1 point
FAB FACT NUMBER 3: Ancient pagans, in what we now call Ireland and Britain, lit bonfires and held parties marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. What was that called? *
1 point
FAB FACT NUMBER 4: There’s a Spanish village thought to be SO haunted and full of witches that it was cursed in the 13th century by the Pope. But what was the real reason? *
1 point
FAB FACT NUMBER 5: As part of a new initiative at the University of California, Santa Cruz, anyone can shadow scientists – via Zoom – as they make measurements of distance stars. What is the place in which these astronomers normally do this work? *
1 point
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