AS Media Final Product Questionnaire
Please read to answer the questions.

Story line:
Teenage girl is hit by a car on the way back from a party where she has just had an argument with a group of friends and due the impact and drugs, she is sent into a coma where she dreams and hallucinates about the same man who run her over and he is trying to torture her. In each dream she is helped escape by a friend she has argued with, making up with them in the process.
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AS Media Film Opening Scene - Final Product
Please watch to answer the questions.
What is your name?
How old are you? *
What is your gender? *
Would you watch our film? *
Does our written story line match up with our final product? *
From watching the final product, what age classification would you say it was?
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What do you like about our final product?
How could our product be improved? Is there anything you'd change?
What genre would you class our final product as?
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Do you think our film is gender specific? If so, who?
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