Who Owns My Body?
What do you believe about 1 Corinthians 7:3-4?
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Which translation do you think best describes God's intent for sex in marriage?
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How long have you been married?
In light of 1 Corinthians 7:3-4 above, indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.
1)  Agree Strongly
2)  Mostly Agree
3)  Neither Agree nor Disagree
4)  Mostly Disagree
5)  Disagree Strongly
6)  Not Sure
My spouse should have sex with me whenever I want.
I am responsible for my spouse's sexual satisfaction
I am afraid to ask for what I really want in bed
I have the right to deny my spouse sex when I am not in the mood
My spouse should agree to engage in whatever sex acts I desire
This Scriptural passage doesn't apply to modern times
I am satisfied with our sex life overall.
If my spouse requests something of me sexually, I should at least try to accommodate it
I have a duty to give my spouse sex when requested
I only need to give my spouse enough sex to keep him or her from looking for it elsewhere
I almost never say no to sex with my spouse
It is important for me to know that my spouse desires me sexually.
I wish we could have sex more often
Sex is essential to keep a marriage strong
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On average, how often do you have sex?
Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with your sex life as it currently is?
10 is completely satisfied.  1 is completely unsatisfied.
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Who has the stronger sex drive in your marriage?
Answer based on how it seems most of the time.
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