Mastery 5
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Read each textbook passage and then answer the questions follow.
Passage A
     To become a group leader, behave in certain ways in group discussions. First, be well informed about the work. Group members are more willing to follow someone who really knows the subject. Second, work harder than anyone else in the group. Leadership is often a question of setting an example, and you can do so with hard work. Third, be open to an exchange of ideas with others in the group. Listen to their ideas, and react with ones of your own. Finally, help the group work together smoothly. Make others in the groups feel good about themselves, and give credit where it is due.
1. This paragraph uses
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2-3. Two of the transitions that signal major details of the paragraph are
Complete the outline of the selection.
Main Idea: Your chances of becoming a group leader are increased if you behave in certain ways during group discussions.
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Passage B
     Although the exact cause of childhood obesity is not known, there are a number of theories. One cause may be a child's genes. A study of 540 adopted adults found that their weight was more like their biological parents than their adoptive ones. A second cause is environment. Children tend to eat the same kinds of foods and develop the same kinds of habits as the people around them. Third, heavier children are less active. But are they less active because they are fat, or do they become fat because they are less active? So far, there is no final answer. But some support the conclusion that children become fat because they are less active. Last of all, too much television may also be a factor. According to studies, every hour a day spent watching TV results in a 2 percent increase int eh frequency of obesity. Children who watch a lot of TV tend to eat more snacks, especially the high-calorie ones they see in ads. They are also less active than other children.
7. This paragraph uses
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Complete the outline of the selection.
Main Idea: There are a number of theories about the cause of childhood obesity.
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PSP 3:
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