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Exploring Perspectives on Sex Dolls: A JLD Comprehensive Survey

Welcome to "Exploring Perspectives on Sex Dolls: A Comprehensive Survey.

This survey seeks to understand public opinion on a range of issues related to sex dolls, including societal normalization, personal fulfillment, and the potential for therapeutic applications. Your participation will provide valuable insights into how sex dolls are perceived and could influence future dialogues on technology's role in human intimacy and relationships.

Please read each statement carefully and select the option that best represents your opinion. 

  • All responses are anonymous and will be used to inform a broader understanding of this topic.
  • We appreciate your thoughtful responses and your contribution to this significant conversation.

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1. The use of sex dolls should be normalized in society.
2. Engaging with a sex doll is more fulfilling than a real-life sexual relationship for some people.
3. The stigma associated with sex dolls prevents important discussions about sexual needs and health.
4. Realistic sex dolls can significantly reduce societal rates of sexual frustration.
5. The advancement in AI sex dolls could potentially replace the need for human intimacy in the future.
6. Sex dolls should be available for therapeutic use in clinics and by healthcare providers.
7. The use of sex dolls can be considered a form of cheating in a relationship.
8. Governments should regulate the sale and use of sex dolls to protect societal morals.
9. Sex dolls promote unrealistic expectations about body image and sexual performance.
10. The integration of sex dolls into sexual education programs could provide benefits in understanding human sexuality.
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