On behalf of our co-hosts, MEPs Lynn Boylan (The Left, Ireland) and Lena Schilling (Greens, Austria), we have the pleasure to invite you to a debate in the European Parliament: “For a fossil fuel phase out: a ban on new fossil fuel projects”.
This debate will be based on a legal analysis to be published by Greenpeace’s European Unit on the same day. It is a feasibility study of an EU legislative act banning new fossil fuel projects.
2024 was the first year where global temperatures exceeded 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, the limit agreed by countries in Paris in 2015. We’re fast exhausting our global carbon budget and need to accelerate the phase out of fossil fuels, by far the largest contributors to this climate crisis. The first step in such a phase out is to stop any new fossil fuel projects. This is where the idea of a ban on all new fossil fuel projects came in, with the need to first establish its legal feasibility.
The debate will be an opportunity to discuss this ban in the wider context of the fossil fuel phase out we so desperately need.
In addition to co-hosts MEP
Lynn Boylan (The Left, Ireland) and MEP Lena Schilling (Greens, Austria), the European Commission's DG CLIMA will be represented by Mr Luca De Carli (Head of Unit for Strategic Coordination, Legal & Institutional) and we will be joined by Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet, the lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) who co-authored the legal analysis.
Wednesday, 5 February, starting at 09:30 until 11:30.
European Parliament in Brussels, Spaak 7C50
09:30 - 09:35 - Opening/House rules by Kira Taylor (Moderator)
09:35 - 09:40 - Welcome by Thomas Gelin (Climate Campaigner, Greenpeace)
09:40 - 09:55 - Presentation of an EU ban on new fossil fuel projects:
- Andrea Carta (Legal Strategist, Greenpeace)
- Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet (Rechtsanwalt)
09:55 - 10:00 - Q&A with the lawyers
10:00 - 10:50 - Panel discussion:
- Lynn Boylan (MEP, The Left - Ireland)
- Lena Schilling (MEP, Greens - Austria)
- Luca De Carli (Head of Unit, Commission - DG CLIMA - Strategic Coordination, legal and Institutional)
- Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet (Rechtsanwalt)
10:50 - 11:05 - Q&A with the panel
11:05 - 11:10 - Closing by Kira Taylor
11:10 - 11:15 - Goodbye by Thomas Gelin
11:15 - 11:30 - End of event
Registration is now closed for this event, please contact tgelin@greenpeace.org for any query.
We look forward to welcoming you for a stimulating debate.