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Bloomberg Class Member Information
We are collecting information from potential class members for the class action suit filed against Mike Bloomberg 2020. We will use this information to keep potential class members informed of case developments.

The information you provide will be kept confidential.

To read more about the case, please use the following link:

This form is maintained by Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady LLP and Gupta Wessler PLLC.

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Today's date *
Name *
Address *
Phone *
Email *
Education (school, graduation date)
Job Title for Bloomberg campaign *
What was your start date? *
When were you laid off? *
In what office were you based? *
What states did you work in (including the office where you were based)? *
What was your salary? *
What was your employment prior to joining the Bloomberg Campaign? If so, what was your salary then? *
What other jobs or educational opportunities did you turn down to join the Bloomberg Campaign (including potential pay and duration of jobs)? *
Did you incur any moving costs? What were they? Did the campaign cover these costs?
Why did you choose to work for the Bloomberg Campaign? *
Were you promised employment through the general election? *
Was the promise of work through the general election important to your decision to accept a job with the Bloomberg Campaign *
How/by whom/when were you informed that you would be employed through the general election (NY headquarters, Regional staff, or others, titles of people who told you this)? *
What were you told by the campaign? *
What you are looking to do now? Future job prospects? *
Are you interested in participating in this lawsuit? *
Would you be okay with having your name publicly filed? *
Any other comments?
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