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5年级-AP班:$999  (学费$899,书材料费$75,报名费$25)




2023年5月31日前完成注册和缴费免$25 报名费

  •  支票抬头:Shuang Chinese (支票须写明学生姓名、年级)
  • 将支票直接交学校会计;暑假期间支票寄周瑛老师处( 地址:2519 Larrikeet Ct., Pleasanton, CA 94566)

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Email *
学生中文名/Student's Chinese Name *
学生英文名/Student's English Name *
居住城市/City of Residence *
2023-2024学年希望升入哪个年级?/ Which grade do you want to advance to in the 2023-2024 school year? *
请选择上课形式(K-4年级只有实体课,5-AP年级有实体课和网课)/ Please choose the form of class (K-4 grades only have in-person classes, 5-AP grades have in-person classes and online classes) *
If you choose in-person classes, please choose the campus you want to study at
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如选上Pleasanton 校区二年级,请选择上课时间/
If you chose to attend the second grade class at the Pleasanton campus, please select the class time
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家长联系电话有更改吗?请填写新号码:/ Has the parent's contact number changed? Please fill in the new number
家长的电子邮箱有更改吗?请填写新的电邮地址:/ Has the parent's email address changed? Please enter a new email address:
新学年,您对学校和老师有什么期许吗?请留下您宝贵的意见和建议:/ Do you have any expectations for the school and teachers in the new school year? Please leave your valuable comments and suggestions: *
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