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Plan of Study
This form should be submitted by the end of your first semester. Your responses will be recorded and retrieved by the EdD office. After review you will be assigned a faculty member to chair your dissertation committee and guide the remaining elements of your degree plan.
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Email *
Student last name, first name
NOBTS ID number
Enter your NOBTS ID number here.
EdD Major (If you would like to switch your major, please indicate below) *
Enter your NOBTS ID number here.
Describe a problem in educational practice that you want to address in your Dissertation in Professional Practice. *
Why is this study of interest to you? *
Briefly describe the anticipated research approach. *
Include items such as: Methodology, instruments, population, timeline, etc.
List 3-4 elective seminars that might inform your Dissertation in Professional Practice. *
Anticipated Graduation Date *
Please include month and year of your anticipated graduation date.
List seminars that you've taken that may or will inform your Dissertation in Professional Practice. *
Request for Committee Chair *
If you would like to request a dissertation committee chair from among our faculty, write their name below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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