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Survey of Pleasure
We want to know what makes you tick! To say thank you, you can find a $5 coupon at the end of the survey, good through 12/31/24. By participating you are automatically entered to win a $100 gift card for! Only available to continental US residents 18+.
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Email *
Where did you hear about our Survey of Pleasure? *
What age range do you fall into? *
What is your gender identity? *

Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?

Do you identify as asexual?
Would you say your sex life is

Are you sexually active with a partner?


 How often do you engage in sexual activity?


How often do you use lubricant for partnered sexual activities?


How often do you masturbate?


How often do you use lubricant for solo play or self-pleasure?


In what ways do you use lubricant beyond sexual activities?

What type of lubricant do you primarily use?

How often do you reapply lubricant during intimate activities?


How important are the following features when choosing a lubricant?


What type(s) of sex do you engage in?

Do you use lubricants with additional sensations, such as warming or cooling effects?


How often do you clean your toys after each use?


What products do you use for cleaning your toys?


What influences your choice of toy cleaners the most?


What would make you more likely to use a toy cleaner regularly?


How frequently do you use massage creams or oils in your self-care or intimacy routine?


When do you use massage creams or oils?


Are there specific ingredients you look for in lubricants or toy cleaners?


How knowledgeable do you feel about the benefits of different types of lubricants?


What additional information would you find helpful about lubricant use?


How open are you to trying new products like warming lubricants or specialized massage creams?


Have you noticed any changes in comfort or pleasure since using Wicked Sensual Care products?

Where do you shop for Wicked Sensual Care products? *
How many times a year do you shop for lube? *
Do you follow Wicked Sensual Care on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook? *
Are there any areas related to sexual wellness products you’d like more guidance on?
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