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Application for the Entertainment Business School - Winter 2024

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in EBS. Our goal at EBS is to make sure that your career moves forward because of what you learn here. We only take students who are serious about working in the industry as pros. Your attitude matters as much as your talent.

We're a vibrant community of collaborators. When we're asked who we accept as students, the answer is always that we're most interested in giving spaces to team players who invest in their classmates' success as much as their own. The givers, not the takers.

This application page is for both Level 2 and Level 1 (VIP) students. Please specify which track you're applying for below. Both tracks include coaching in the Thursday Workshop sessions, plus weekly Office Hours. The Level 1 VIP includes 3 additional private 1hr. coaching sessions, and a script read/evaluation.

We highly recommend filling out this application thoughtfully and thoroughly to be considered. Spaces are limited to just 24 students for the Winter 2024 session of EBS.

In EBS is you'll get lots of time with me to workshop your loglines, websites, bios, pitches, real life situations, networking, career strategies and more. I devote myself entirely to my students for our time together, and limit class size so you get maximum attention. 

The next class starts January 29, 2024, for 9 weeks until March 29th. 

Be sure to hit the SUBMIT button when you’re complete. Please be sure to complete the last section of this application with your email address and cell phone number. If you were referred to the program it's important to tell us who referred you and where you heard about us. 

When we receive your application, if we are considering your application, my team and l will be in touch with your next steps.

We are a hate-free school, and provide education in a compassionate classroom. EBS strives to be the gold standard of business education in Hollywood. We expect our students to bring their most professional attitudes, and most open minds and hearts to the program, each other and to the class. In other words, we only have room for excellence.

Warm regards,

Kaia Alexander
Founder/CEO Entertainment Business League LLC

Note: All questions are required.

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