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Art Rapids! Arts Grant – Final Report
Art Rapids! is pleased to have made a grant to you this year. To help us evaluate our grants program, we require that you submit a report on the outcomes of your project and attach receipts and/or other documentation related to Art Rapids! grant money expenditures. You may submit this form on line with copies attached or print the form from our website and mail it with documentation. Please complete this form by June 15.
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Project Title: *
Report Submitted by: *
Referring to the project goals included in your application, please describe what you accomplished, and if some goals were not met, please explain that as well. *
Please tell us about anything that demonstrates positive aspects of your project and its impact on the community. *
Please describe the outcomes of your project in as specific and quantitative terms as you can. What are its lasting effects and impact on students (or others who participated)? What further study did it engender? How has the teacher or artist extended the experience? What are your plans for further experiences that would build on it? *
What are you doing to sustain this work beyond the grant period? *
Describe any unanticipated outcomes you encountered, including setbacks. How did these affect your work? How did you respond? *
If you could do this project over, what would you change and how would you change it? *
Was the grant process satisfactory? What suggestions do you have for improving it? *
If you have any samples, photos, or other tangible products of your project that can help us explain or show off your project to the public, we would be pleased to have them.  Please email photos and questions to Nancy McRay, Art Rapids! Education Committee, at
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