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Podcast Guests Interview Form
Thank you kindly for your interest in being on air with us via our Podcast: Let's Talk B.O.S.S.!"

We are currently looking for guests to be interviewed in Season 2/Season 3.

Heads up! [ Please check out Season 1 *Steal My Playbook* to ensure we are aligned in terms of value, target audience and overall vibe! ]

Before proceeding, listen to Episode 4 which unpacks the underlying meaning and primary direction of our Podcast You Are a B.O.S.S. which is our shortest Episode to date. 

If successful, we will need 30-45 minutes to record our Episode, in a 1:1 informational, conversational format. Just like we are friends to besties, catching up at a quaint cafe!

Kindly check it out (Episode 4) before filling in this form.

Available on Spotify, iTunes and Podbean.

Note: If we are an awesome fit, the recording will be in 3-6 weeks after our confirmation email. 
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Email *
Full Name *
Mobile: *
Social Media Accounts or Call-to-Action (please add the hyperlinks/URLs for listeners to get in touch with you): *
What are some questions you would like to be asked in our recorded Episode? *
What are your key talking points? *
What would the ideal outcome of recording this podcast be for you?
What are you working on this year? Main overarching goals, plans and projects?
How will you promote this Episode? How can it be most beneficial for you? (Please share if you would like to collaborate in any way. Anything that is a WIN/WIN, works a treat!) *
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