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 Garden Stepping Stones, 8/3,  9am-Noon
Thank you for registering your child for Gander Studio's  Garden Stepping Stones Mini Camp.  This mini camp meets on:  Wednesday, 8/3,  from 9am-Noon
Gander Studio Art Camps are for rising 1st graders & up.

Stencil & Paint a concrete stepping stone for your garden. We'll craft some other garden related crafts. This art mini camp curriculum is play-based, giving your child a sample of one of our most beloved projects.

Please send your child in old clothes, ready to get messy!
We'll serve a simple snack each day - items such as Goldfish crackers, pretzels, grapes.  If your child has any allergies, please plan to send a snack for them.
Please send a covered water bottle, water only please.  We'll provide everything else!

Camp Fee is $35

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