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RJC/Yeshiva University Night Seder Program
Welcome to the RJC/Yeshiva University Night Seder Program (Dedicated in Memory of אסתר בת מרדכי מנחם)!
We're so excited you're interested in learning with one of our Kollel Fellows! Please fill out the form below so we can pair you up with the ideal chavrusa. Looking forward to seeing you soon! 
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Name *
Email *
Phone number
What day/time would you like to learn? *
8:00 pm
8:45 pm
What are you interested in learning?
(You can choose a general subject like Tanach, a particular sefer/topic like Masechet Makkot, or make a gametime decision!)
Which of the Kollel Fellows would you like to learn with?
Questions or Comments?
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