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UPGRADE Innovative Startup Knowledge Optimizer Program (ISKO) Form
Filling-out this form serves as your application to the University of the Philippines Mindanao Growing and Developing Enterprise (UPGRADE) Innovative Startups Knowledge Optimizer Program.

As an initial step of your application to ISKO, we would like to know the concept and relevant information about your technology startup idea. Thus, we encourage you to fill out the boxes below that require your answer or response.
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Name of Team Leader: *
Email Address: *
Mobile Number *
Educational Background *
Does your team require additional team members for the development and scaling up of your idea? *
If you respond YES to the previous question, what skills are you looking for a new member of your team?
What is your company's product?
What is your startup company name?
Describe your technology using a few words. *
What is the value proposition of your product? *
Which among the UPGrADE incubation programs does your proposed product belong to? You may select up to 2 categories only, if applicable. *
What is the purpose of your product? *
What is the social- impact or social-relevance of your startup company? *
Do you have any particular business/ institutional partner in mind as the main taker of your proposed technology? Please identify as many as you can.
Is your product already being commercialized?
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If yes, what is the price of your product?
What company is your biggest competitor in the current market of your product? Briefly explain why the same consumers or users of your competitor/s would choose your product. *
Which among these incubation levels does your proposed technology qualify at present? Please check only one. *
Please mark applicable needed support from services offered by UPGrADE that you may wish to acquire. Feel free to indicate other forms of support if not identified: *
Is there any specific capacity building activity or skills you wish to acquire for the development of your product? Please identify.
Discuss marketing goals and strategies you have in mind for the commercialization of your product?
After the incubation period,  with free services,  what are your long terms to sustain your start-up enterprise? How will you fund your enterprise? Feel free to discuss the vision for your product and/or team.
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