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Student Well-Being Screening
The purpose of this screening is to check in with students in regards to their well-being and adjustment to college.  The Abilities, Counseling, and Wellness Centers are interested in hearing from you and providing support whenever you need it. 
Email *
Your CSU email *
Your age *
Student Status *
Who are the persons that you consider to be most supportive to you? *
Currently I........ *
If you are feeling overwhelmed, what situations have contributed to this feeling? *
In the past 30 days have you had any thoughts of suicide? *
Are you familiar with the Togetherall 24/7 online peer support space? *
Have you experienced a significant trauma in your life time (witness or victim of violence, loss of loved one, loss of a home, employment, etc. )  *
Do you currently rely on alcohol or drugs to cope with stressors?  *
The Abilities (CRSUB 160) and Counseling (CRSUB 190) Centers are located in the Cordell Reed Student Union Building; would you consider visiting our offices if you require support? *
Is there a specific topic that you would like to learn more about to support your educational experience and college persistence, please list. 
Are you interested in...... *
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