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Nursing students' perceptions of their Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher
The intention of this survey is to investigate nursing students’ perceptions of the clinical learning environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher

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There are no known risks from your participation.  No direct benefit from your participation is expected.  The information may help to improve nursing student's learning environment.  There is no cost to you except for your time.  Only the study team will have access to the information that you provide. Completing this survey indicates your voluntary agreement to participate.  By participating in the survey, you are giving permission for the investigator to use your information for research purposes. You can withdraw from the study at any time. For further clarification you can contact
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Study Country
Academic Year
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The Learning Environment
Educational atmosphere
The staff nurses were generally interested in student supervision
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There is a positive atmosphere on the ward
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During handover (before shifts) I felt comfortable taking part in the discussions
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The learning situations were multi-dimensional in terms of content
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I felt comfortable going to the ward at the start of my shift
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I The staff nurses were easy to approach
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There were sufficient meaningful learning situations on the ward
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The ward can be regarded as a good learning environment
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The ward staff learned to know the student by their personal name
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Leadership style of the Unit Manager
The Unite Manager was a team player
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The effort of the ward staff was appreciated by Unite Manager
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Feedback from the Unite Manager could easily be considered as a learning situation
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The Unite Manager regarded the staff on her / his ward a key resource
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The nursing care on the ward
Documentation of nursing (e.g. nursing plans; daily recoding of nursing procedures etc.) was clear
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The nursing philosophy of wards was clearly defined
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There were no problems in the communication related to patient care
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Patients’ received individual care
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The Content of Supervisory Relationship
The Content of Supervisory Relationship
I felt that I received individual supervision
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Overall I am satisfied with the supervision I received
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I continuously received feedback from my supervisor
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The supervision was based on a relationship of equality and promoted my learning
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There was a mutual interaction in the supervisory relationship
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The supervisory relationship was characterized by a sense of trust
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Mutual respect and approval prevailed in the supervisory relationship
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My supervisor showed a positive attitude toward supervision
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The role of the Nurse Teacher
The nursing lecture as link between integration of theory and practice
The Nurse Teacher helped me to reduce the theory-practice gap
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The Nurse Teacher was capable to operationalising the learning goals of the clinical placement
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In my opinion, the Nurse Teacher was capable to integrate theoretical knowledge and everyday practice of nursing
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The cooperation between hospital clinical (department) and Nurse Teacher
The Nurse Teacher was capable to give her educational expertise to the clinical team’
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The Nurse Teacher and the hospital clinical team worked together in supporting my learning
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The Nurse Teacher was like a member of the nursing team
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The relationships among student, mentor and Nurse Teacher
In our common meeting I felt that we are colleagues
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Focus on the meeting was in my learning needs
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The common meeting between myself, mentor and Nurse Teacher was a comfortable experience
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