CIS 110/120/121 Fall 2013 TA Application
If you are interested in TA'ing and of the intro CIS courses in Fall 2013, please fill out this short application.  There are no fixed prerequisites to be a TA, beyond a love of teaching.  You do not need to have taken the course you are TAing, although it helps.  You do not need to be a CIS or Engineer major.  Our students come from all over the University, and our TAs do too.
As a TA, your duties will include teaching weekly recitation students, grading weekly homework assignments, holding office hours, and a weekly staff meeting.  New TAs are also required to attend a weekly TA training Friday.  All staff meetings and TA training will take place in the Friday 2-5 time period.

Depending on the course, you may be co-teaching (and grading) your recitation.  You will also be expected to help grade exams, and should plan on being available for several days after the course's final exam.  The typical time commitment is 10 hours per week.

Mentors attend staff meetings and hold office hours, but do not teach recitations or grade.  New mentors do attend TA training.

We expect to begin reviewing applications in mid-April and complete interviewing by the end of reading days.  We cannot promise to consider applications that come in after April 15.
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Name *
PennKey (e.g. bjbrown) *
E-Mail *
Enter the e-mail address where you would like to be contacted.
Which courses are you interested in TAing? *
You may select more than one option
What year are you currently (as of Spring 2013)? *
Graduate students, select other and enter your year and program.  We can only accept applications from currently enrolled students.
What semester did you take CIS 110? *
You are eligible to TA 110 even if you did not take it.
What semester did you take CIS 120? *
What semester did you take CIS 121? *
CIS Courses *
List all CIS courses except 110/120/121 you have taken by course and semester, including any courses you plan to take next semester.  Enter "none" if you have not taken any other courses and do not plan to next semester.
List all previous TAing experience at UPenn by course and semester. *
If you have TAed a course more than once, list every semester you TAed it.  If you have not TAed at UPenn before, enter "none."
List any other teaching/tutoring experience that you have.
Please briefly describe why you wish to TA, and any other information you feel would be helpful.
If any faculty or current TAs suggested you apply, please give their names:
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