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Stream Team goes to Skagway!
Students 10 and older who have participated in Stream Team in school or during the summer may join for the overnight trip to Skagway on June 6-7. All expenses are paid through funding from the EPA and the Crossett Foundation. 

We will take the ferry to Skagway, learn more about the local watershed, meet and train the Skagway stream team, camp and return to Haines the following day. For more information about the overnight camp, please email

An optional donation of $50 will help pay for supplies, but is NOT required. You can pay cash or check, please make checks out to Takshanuk Watershed Council (TWC) or online
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student's name *
age and grade they will be entering in the fall *
Any allergies or medications? *
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emergency contact and phone number *
I understand that although unlikely, risks associated with camp activities could result in injury to my child and I release TWC of any liability. Parent/guardian electronic signature. *
Do you give permission for Takshanuk Watershed Council to use photos and/or videos of your child while participating in TWC activities? These will be used for promotional purposes. *
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