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義工招募 (Me & U 老友記同學會) Volunteer Recruitment (Me & U Elderly-Friends Association)
活動一: 健康講座 (2/1/2024 -12/1/2024)
活動二: 手作工作坊 (2/1/2024 -12/1/2024)
活動三: HKMU攤位 (15/1/2024-19/1/2024)
*活動語言: 廣東話

Each event will only be held for one day, the exact date has not yet been determined (it will be held on the dates indicated in brackets)
Activity 1: Health Lecture (2/1/2024 -12/1/2024)
Activity 2: Handicraft Workshop (2/1/2024 -12/1/2024)
Event 3: HKMU Booth (15/1/2024-19/1/2024)
*Preferred language: Cantonese
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名字 Name
學生號碼 Student ID
年齡 Age
我們有三個主要活動需要義工,請填寫您可以協助哪些活動。(可填上多於一個活動。) We have three main events that need volunteers, please fill in which ones you can help with. (You can enter more than one activity.)
電郵地址 Email Address (s + First 7 Digits of Student ID +請確認填寫資料是否正確 Please confirm whether the information filled in is correct)
聯絡電話 Contact Number (請確認填寫資料是否正確 Please confirm whether the information filled in is correct)
緊急聯絡人電話 Emergency Contact (請確認填寫資料是否正確 Please confirm whether the information filled in is correct)
與緊急聯絡人的關係 Relationship with emergency person
為了更便於溝通和分享活動資訊,我們計劃建立一個WhatsApp群組,希望您同意加入群組。In order to make it easier to communicate and share event information, we plan to establish a WhatsApp group and hope you agree to join the group.
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為了紀錄和宣傳活動的過程和成果,可能會拍攝一些照片和影片。這些照片和影片將用於在宣傳資料、社交媒體或其他相關媒體上分享和展示活動的內容。如果您參加以上活動,請同意被拍攝照片和影片。In order to record and promote the process and results of the event, some photos and videos may be taken. These photos and videos will be used to share and showcase content from the event in promotional materials, social media or other relevant media. If you participate in the above activities, please agree to be photographed and filmed.
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