Demande d'accès en écriture
2024 Young Nak VBS Registration
Date: 6/3/2024 - 6/7/2024
Time: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location: Korean Young Nak Church (850 Lexington Dr, Plano, TX 75075)
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Student's Full English Name *
Student's Full Korean Name
Student's Gender *
Student's Date of Birth *
Home Church (출석 교회) *
Grade (2024-2025) *
Student's T-shirt Size *
Please list any allergies the child has *
Parent's Name *
Parent's Email *
Parent's Phone No. *
By checking the box below, I confirm that $20 registration fee must be paid for each student on the 1st day of VBS with Cash or Check.

**If paying by check:
-payable to Yun Sook Bae Lee
-include student name in the memo line
Publication/Website Permission Form
I grant Young Nak Church permission to record the image/voice of my child(ren) listed above and use the recording for non-commercial purposes. This recording may be in the form of a photograph, film audio or video tape, digital or other electronic format and may be used on the Young Nak Church’s website or in publications. Published documents shall NOT include a child’s full name, home address, phone number or the full names of other family members. Photo captions shall not identify students by full name.
By checking this box and typing my name below, I am electronically signing my application and permission form. *
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian *
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