6th Annual NMSKDAY Volunteer Sign Up (May 29 2021)
Serving those in need on National Muslim Soup Kitchen day and creating Unity. Please fill out the form and let us know which location you would like to volunteer at.  If you have any questions please email mskp@al-hidaya.org
Your first and last Name? *
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Your email *
Your answer
Your phone number *
Your answer
Have you volunteered for MSKP before *
I would like to cook or help cut ingredients for the NMSKDay? This would be done early in the morning or a day before. *
There are many sites that we need drivers to  deliver the meals to between 10:30 - 12:30pm? Couple sites will be around 3-4:30pm.   Would you like this VERY important role? *
Would you like to help set up or package meals? Please choose the location and timing *
I can help raise funds for NMSKDay meals *
I can help reach out to organizations outside of the capital region to hold soup kitchen on May 29th *
I can help reach out to organizations within the capital region to hold soup kitchen at their sites on May 29th *
Any comments you would like o share
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