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Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in our organization.  Please fill out this application to become a member of The Reading League - Massachusetts.  If you have any questions, please contact us at 
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Email *
Why should you fill out this application? 
Being an official member gets you some extra perks beyond the resources on the Facebook page.  
-Access to the newsletter of The Reading League - the national organization
-Discounted or Free access to events
-Early access to upcoming events
-Opportunities to participate in leadership and planning
...And more to come!
Name: *
Email: *
Billing Address (membership will be free for 2022, however, membership dues will be coming in 2023 to help support programming) *
State Region *
Phone number (optional)
Occupation *
Educational Affiliation *
We are part of a national organization.  May we share your information with them so you can get access to their national newsletter? *
Are you interested in becoming a part of our advisory board? If yes, you will be contacted separately. *
What kind of events would you be interested in participating in?   Check all that apply *
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