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Whistleblower Policy Form
If you have, in good faith, and reasonable grounds for a reporting Concern, and you wish to do so anonymously, please use this form.   As a reminder, this form is limited to anonymous submissions only. Employees may make a report otherwise in accordance with the procedure laid out in the Employee Handbook (See Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Section Reporting Violations).  We request you to fill out the information below to the best of your ability.

As a reminder, some examples of "Concerns" as defined in the Policy could be incidences of criminal offenses, financial improprieties, anti-competitive behavior, ethical violations, or other similar legal or improper practices. Please refer to Haymarket's Whistleblowing Policy for additional Information.  
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1. Please describe the Concern/s. *
2. Dates relevant to the Concern/s. *
3.  Location relevant to the Concern/s.
4.  Were there any witnesses? If yes, please feel free to share relevant information. *
5.  Anything else we should know?
6. OPTIONAL: You may provide your name and contact details below if you wish to not submit this anonymously and wish to be contacted directly.
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