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Request for LMPTG Funds
If you have an idea or project that you'd like to bring to life and need some money in order to make it happen, please fill out the short form below. All requests will be reviewed at our monthly LMPTG board meetings and decisions will be made to fund the proposals in part or in full. Thanks for your great ideas.

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Name *
E-mail address or telephone *
The proposed initiative/project will support: *
You are a: *
Short description of your idea/request? *
Who will it benefit? *
(my class, all 4th graders, the whole school)
How much money are you requesting? *
Does this request cover the full cost of the program/initiative or is there additional funding required? *
Is this request time sensitive? If so, please share details below:
Any other information you'd like to share to help the board make a good decision?
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